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Easy Eats

Easy Eats
Meal Planning Made Easy.
Simple Recipes and Ideas that
Suit You and Your Family.
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Easy Eats > Kid Friendly : All Kid Friendly > Blueberry Stuffed French Toast w/Blueberry Syrup
Blueberry Stuffed French Toast w/Blueberry Syrup
Blueberry Stuffed French Toast w/Blueberry Syrup Blueberry Stuffed French Toast w/Blueberry Syrup
Cream cheese and blueberry preserves sandwiched between sliced baguettes and served with blueberry syrup. You'll be the Hero!
PREP TIME: 80 Minutes
COOK TIME: 40 Minutes

French Toast:
2 Baguettes
8 oz. Cream Cheese
12 oz. Blueberry preserves
1 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Butter, melted
5 eggs
1 cup Milk
16 oz. Blueberries

Blueberry Syrup:
8 oz. Pure Maple Syrup
1 pkg. Blueberries

Step 1  French Toast:
Slice baguettes into equal 1" slices. You will need enough slices to make sandwiches to fill a 9x13 baking dish. Spread cream cheese evenly over the bottom slices and then top with blueberry jam. Place another slice of bread to make a 'sandwich'.
Step 2  Step 2:
Sprinkle brown sugar in the bottom of a 9x13 baking dish. Pour in butter. Beat eggs with milk, whip until smooth. Dip each sandwich into the egg mixture and place in the baking dish. Top with the remaining egg mixture, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour (can be left overnight).
Step 3  Step 3:
Before baking, sprinkle 1 package of blueberries over the entire dish. Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes.
Step 4  Blueberry Syrup:
Add 1 - 8oz. bottle of pure maple syrup and 1 package of blueberries to a small sauce pan. Cook approx. 3-5 mintues over medium heat until the berries burst. Pour the syrup through a sieve into a heat proof container. If you like the extra blueberries, you can serve as is.

Serving Suggestion:

Nutritional Analysis (per serving)


Easy Eats
Key Ingredients
Savings : $3.99
On Hand Ingredients
Mode choices
Crystal Granulated Sugar
Savings : $0.50
Mode choices
Crystal Sugar Light Brown
Savings : $0.30

Accompaniment Ingredients

Shopping Cart
Order Total: $0.00

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